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ДА СЕ ПРЕВЕДЕ!!!---- Your host is FrJohn, assisted by a team of sysops to help with the management of the site. Our sysops hail from many jurisdictions all over the world. Many thanks to everyone who has devoted some time towards making this place a valuable resource for people!
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Ако имате сериозно намерение да ни помогнете, моля регистрирайте се. Кликнете после върху своето потребителско име в горната дясна част на сраницата, за да създадете своя профил.
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- Help:Image_licenses#OCA.org - an important note on using images from OCA.org
- Help:Image_licenses#Holy_Transfiguration_Monastery - using icons from Holy Transfiguration Monastery (Boscobel, WI USA)
For more general information, please see wikipedia:Category:Wikipedia_copyright.
Who's Who
- OrthodoxWiki:Patron saint (St. John of Damascus, pray for us!)
- Special:Listadmins
- Special:Listusers
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