
Направо към: навигация, търсене


340 байта изтрити, 07:09, 11 юни 2006
редакция без резюме
Добре дошли на '''Портала за общността на ПРАВОСЛАВНА ЕНЦИКЛОПЕДИЯ "ДВЕРИ"!''' Радваме се, че сте избрали да сте тук и да доприннасяте за създаването и напредъка на първата свободно редактирана българска Православна енциклопедия.
Welcome to the '''OrthodoxWiki Community Portal'''! We're glad you've chosen to stop by, explore and take part in the ongoing work of creating and developing the world's first online community-edited encyclopedia of Orthodox Christianity. -->
Whatever else a wiki is, it is fundamentally about ''community'', about bringing a group of people together for a particular work or conversation. '''You''' are formally invited to join this conversation and to take a role in shaping it. -->
'''ДА СЕ ПРЕВЕДЕ!!!----
Your host is [[User:FrJohn|FrJohn]], assisted by a team of [[Special:Listadmins|sysops]] to help with the management of the site. Our sysops hail from many jurisdictions all over the world. Many thanks to everyone who has devoted some time towards making this place a valuable resource for people!
==Елате и Вие!==
