
Направо към: навигация, търсене
Types of Articles
* [[Помощ:Лицензи_за_изображения#Holy_Transfiguration_Monastery]] - за използването на икони от манастира "Св. Преображение" (Boscobel, WI USA)
==Types of ArticlesВидове статии==What kind of articles is Какви видове статии търсим в '''OrthodoxWiki''' looking for? OstensiblyПодходящо е, очевидно, anything directly to do with the Orthodox Christian faith and life is appropriateвсичко пряко свързано с православната християнска вяра и живот. In additionНо също така са подходящи и статии, howeverособено върху историческа тематика и личости, articles especially on historical subjects and persons related to Church life are also appropriateсвързани с живота на Църквата. SoИ така, while there are articles on saints and bishopsимаме както статии за светии и епископи, there are also articles on emperors and hereticsтака и за императори и еретици. ThereforeЗатова, while creating articles and making links within themкогато създавате статии и давате линкове в тях, consider what might be generally appropriate for преценете кое като цяло би било подходящо за '''OrthodoxWiki'''.
For examples, browse around existing articles, click on the links already within them, and if you have information on subjects already being linked to, feel free to contribute to existing articles or create new ones. And, as always, don't worry about breaking '''OrthodoxWiki''' or messing things up, because your work will become part of the community effort and thereby be honed and improved, ever bringing us closer to achieving our goal of being a nearly endless compendium of information access and exchange regarding Orthodox Christianity.
