Дверия:Ръководство за стила на писане
Шаблон:Policy Шаблон:Shortcut Това е официалното Ръководство за стила на писане на OrthodoxWiki. Съобразявайте се с него, когато пишете нови статии или редактирате съществуващите. Официално то е влязло в сила, но все още е в процес на разработване. Статиите и посочките трябва да отговарят на следните стандарти. Целта на това ръководство е да бъде поддържано стиловото единство на OrthodoxWiki.
И не се обезкуражавайте от тези указания. Материалите, предложени от Вас, са добре дошли дори ако не отговарят напълно на изискванията по-долу. Указанията са предназначени да облекчават, а не да спъват Вашите усилия! Ако някой материал, предложен от Вас, не отговаря напълно на указанията, той несъмнено ще бъде дооформен от останалите членове на екипа. В края на краищата, OrthodoxWiki е постоянно в процес на разработване.
[скриване]- 1 Въведение
- 2 Тон
- 3 Внасяне на статии от Уикипедия
- 4 Материали, защитени с авторско право
- 5 Видове статии
- 6 Neutrality and the OrthodoxWiki Bias
- 7 Technical Terminology
- 8 Standard English Usage and Spelling
- 9 Church Calendar
- 10 Churches
- 11 Monasteries, Parishes, and Theological Schools
- 12 Books of the Bible
- 13 People
- 14 List articles
- 15 Western Rite
- 16 Language Mechanics
- 17 Wiki Mechanics
- 18 Miscellaneous style considerations
- 19 See also
- 20 External links
Настоящото Ръководство за стила на писане задава официалните правила за стила на OrthodoxWiki. Този документ съдържа указанията и насоките, които трябва да следвате, когато редактирате или създавате статии. Настоятелно Ви препоръчваме да го добавите към своя списък за наблюдение, така че лесно да забелязвате промените в него. Така ще можете своевременно да внесете подходящи промени в редактираните от Вас материали, с цел да се поддържа стиловото единство на целия сайт.
Спазването на ръководството се "контролира" предимно от потребителите, но също и от администраторите. Контролът се осъществява чрез придържане към "Ръководството" при съставяне на статии и чрез непрекъснато редактиране според изискванията на "Ръководството". Това означава, че ние разчитаме на Вашата помощ за поддържането на реда в материалите.
Заб. Всички правила по-долу, касаещи статиите и техните имена, се прилагат и към вътрешните посочки, защото щракването върху една предстояща за писане статия, свързана към съществуваща статия, ще даде това име на новата статия по подразбиране. Затова, когато правите посочки към статии, тези посочки трябва да отговарят на установения за имената ред.
Въпреки че изключения има, разбира се, типичната атмосфера, създавана от повечето статии в "OrthodoxWiki', е по принцип "енциклопедична", например – стил на писане, който се очаква от една енциклопедия. Това не означава, че статиите трябва да са съобразени с академични изисквания за писане или светска ерудиция, но със сигурност е желателно известно ниво на професионализъм и логика.
Същевременно подходът ни е "агиографски", т.е. стремежът е да се пише с почит и смирение по вдъхващите благоговение теми, за които става дума. По този начин се опитайте да развиете тук и Вашето писане. Стремим се точно и смирено да предадем истините на православната християнска вяра чрез един задълбочен и лесен за ползване и четене ресурс – едно достъпно съкратено изложение на православното християнство. Винаги помнете това, когато предлагате материали за сайта.
Внасяне на статии от Уикипедия
See: OrthodoxWiki:Ръководство за стила на писане (Внасяне)
Материали, защитени с авторско право
В OrthodoxWiki можете да включвате материали, защитени с авторско право единствено с разрешението на притежателя на авторското право. Само защото сте открили нещо във виртуалното пространство, не означава, че то не е защитено с авторско право - не забравяйте това. В действителност, по подразбиране почти всичко е защитено с авторско право.
Ако притежателят на авторското право е съгласен да предостави своя материал под някой от отворените лицензи, характерни за системите уики (като например лицензът за свободна документация Gnu или Creative Commons License), тогава няма проблем този материал да се включи като редовна статия, която подлежи на редактиране. Ако обаче създателят не желае неговото творение да бъде безмилостно редактирано (както е обичайно за OrthodoxWiki), тогава под материала трябва да се включи забележка за налично авторско право, подобна на следната:
Авторско право © 2005 Иван Иванов. Всички права запазени.
След като направите това, обърнете се към някой от действащите администратори с молба да Ви запази този материал, така че да не може да бъде редактиран.
По подразбиране всички новопостъпващи в OrthodoxWiki материали, се публикуват под двоен лиценз за свободна документация Gnu и Creative Commons License.
Разрешение за изображения
Моля, използвайте подходящата форма, за да обозначите изображенията, взети с разрешение от други страници. За подробности виж Помощ:Лицензи за изображения. Няколко специални забележки касаят следващото тук:
- Помощ:Лицензи_за_изображения#OCA.org - важна забележка върху използването на изображения от OCA.org
- Помощ:Лицензи_за_изображения#Holy_Transfiguration_Monastery - за използването на икони от манастира "Св. Преображение" (Boscobel, WI USA)
Видове статии
Какви видове статии търсим в OrthodoxWiki? Подходящо е, очевидно, всичко пряко свързано с православната християнска вяра и живот. Но също така са подходящи и статии, особено върху историческа тематика и личости, свързани с живота на Църквата. И така, имаме както статии за светии и епископи, така и за императори и еретици. Затова, когато създавате статии и давате линкове в тях, преценете кое като цяло би било подходящо за OrthodoxWiki.
For examples, browse around existing articles, click on the links already within them, and if you have information on subjects already being linked to, feel free to contribute to existing articles or create new ones. And, as always, don't worry about breaking OrthodoxWiki or messing things up, because your work will become part of the community effort and thereby be honed and improved, ever bringing us closer to achieving our goal of being a nearly endless compendium of information access and exchange regarding Orthodox Christianity.
Articles not appropriate for OrthodoxWiki
Obviously, anything which has no direct connection to the Orthodox faith is not appropriate. Further, some things which are characteristic of Wikipedia articles but don't make sense on OrthodoxWiki also should be left out, including the following: year articles (e.g., 1054), places whose significance goes far beyond its exclusively religious meaning (e.g., Constantinople), or major historical personages who had nothing directly to do with the Orthodox Church (e.g., Ronald Reagan). Certainly, all of these items may have something to do with the Orthodox Church, but their connections can be noted in articles about the events related in other articles which more directly bear on the Orthodox faith.
Neutrality and the OrthodoxWiki Bias
This section has been expanded and moved to OrthodoxWiki:Style Manual (Point of View).
Technical Terminology
A number of technical and theological terms in Orthodoxy differ according to the languages of the cultures in which they're used. Thus, the preference for OrthodoxWiki will be to use Greek terms where no standard English word is predominant among Anglophonic Orthodox writers. The main issue is with article names, so use epigonation instead of palitsa, or use exorasson instead of riassa or jibbee. Where appropriate, make note of other languages' terminology in the body of the article. The reason for preferring Greek terms is that Greek is the predominant "source language" for our Church's culture and terminology and is thus universal.
Western Rite articles will likewise probably prefer Latin, though given the longer history of the Western Rite in England, there is already a more developed native English vocabulary for Western Rite liturgical and theological terms.
Standard English Usage and Spelling
Use standard English spelling and usage for article names and in the bodies of articles. Thus, use icon instead of ikon. What constitutes standard spelling will vary according to what variety of English (e.g., British, American, Canadian, Australian, etc.) a contributor uses, but try to make articles consistent throughout (e.g., every instance of center in an article should be spelled either centre or center, not both).
English names
Use the form of the names of people and places most commonly used by English-speaking Orthodox Christians. So, instead of Vartholomaios I (Archontonis) of Constantinople, use Bartholomew I (Archontonis) of Constantinople. Some ambiguity will of course exist here, especially with names that are not commonly used in English-speaking countries. Biblical names should conform to the varieties most common in English-language Bibles; for instance, use Elijah instead of Elias and Joshua for the prophet instead of Jesus.
Some places will be exceptional, such as Hagia Sophia, which is the most common way of referring to that ancient church, rather than St. Sophia or Holy Wisdom. Thus, the rule is to use the form most commonly used in English, not necessarily an Anglicized or translated form.
Church Calendar
See: OrthodoxWiki:Style Manual (Church Calendar)
See: OrthodoxWiki:Style Manual (Churches)
Monasteries, Parishes, and Theological Schools
Because there are so many communities with the same names, articles about monasteries, parishes, and theological schools should be named in the following fashion: Name of Community (Location). For example, St. Tikhon's Orthodox Monastery (South Canaan, Pennsylvania), Hagia Sophia (Constantinople), Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology (Brookline, Massachusetts), or St. Paul's Monastery (Athos). In article titles for places, use St. (i.e., a capital S, followed by a lower-case t, followed by a period) rather than Saint, St, or S.. For plurals, use Ss. (i.e., a capital S, followed by a lower-case s, followed by a period).
Books of the Bible
Articles and links to books of the Bible should conform to the links in the canonical lists found at Holy Scripture—note that the names shown there do not always match the links to which they lead! For instance, you might see Nehemiah, which takes you to Book of Nehemiah, not to Nehemiah (which is an article about the prophet by that name).
Articles about Biblical books should be included in Category:Scripture and Category:Texts.
See: OrthodoxWiki:Style Manual (People)
List articles
With the exception of Links articles, articles that consist of a list of something (e.g., List of Patriarchs, List of autocephalous and autonomous Churches) should be named List of [subject].
Western Rite
For most topics regarding the Western Rite where there are also Byzantine Rite equivalents, add a section to the single article for the Western Rite distinctives. For instance, instead of having a separate article on Western Rite vestments, to vestments one would add a section titled "Western Rite" or the like.
For topics extensive enough to require a separate article for the Western Rite which might otherwise have the same name as a Byzantine Rite article, put "Western Rite" in parentheses, e.g., Vespers (Western Rite).
Language Mechanics
The following refer to the various mechanics of writing for OrthodoxWiki articles.
The following items should be capitalized in OrthodoxWiki articles (some may seem obvious, but usage on these actually does vary):
- God and Trinity
- Church when referencing the Church catholic; not when used as a generic reference for a local church
- Tradition should be capitalized when referring to the mainstream beliefs and practices held by Orthodox churches to be binding on Orthodox Christians (i.e., "Big T" tradition); it is not capitalized when referring to local traditions which are not binding in character (i.e., "little T" tradition)
- Scripture should be capitalized when referring to the Bible, though not when referring to the scriptures of other religions
- Orthodox
- Christian
- East[ern] and West[ern] when referring to them as geo-cultural divisions (e.g., "the Church in East" or "Western theology"), but not as merely geographical references (e.g., "the western provinces" or "the apostles moved east")
- Titles: Lord, Lady, Theotokos, Christ.
- Titles with names: Saint John, Apostle Peter, Bishop Basil, etc., but not saint, apostle, bishop, etc., as regular nouns
- Proper names: Father, Son, Holy Spirit, Jesus, James, John, St. Paul's Church, Dormition Monastery, Church of Romania, etc.
- Feast days: Pascha, Annunciation, Theophany, Transfiguration, etc. (Note: Within texts for a particular feast, it is not the title which is being referenced, but the event, so capitalization is unnecessary: "Your birth..." or "Thy nativity...," not "Your Birth..." or "Thy Nativity...")
- O (as in O Lord, or O Lady Theotokos), i.e., the vocative
Other terms (including personal pronouns for God) leave uncapitalized, so use him in the middle of a sentence referring to God, not Him.
Use the ''
(italic) markup. Example:
''This is italic.''
which produces
- This is italic.
Italics should be used for titles of the following:
- books
- films
- long poems
- musical albums
- newspapers
- periodicals (journals and magazines)
- plays
- TV series
- works of visual art
Italics are generally used for titles of longer works. Titles of shorter works, such as the following, should be enclosed in quotation marks (""):
- articles, essays, or papers
- chapters of a longer work
- episodes of a television series
- short poems
- short stories
- songs
There are a few cases in which the title should be neither italicized nor placed in quotation marks:
- the Bible
- legal documents (examples: the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence)
Words as Words
Use italics when writing about words as words or when referring to letters. For example:
- The term panning is derived from panorama, a word originally coined in 1787.
- The letter E is the most common letter in English.
Links to dates within articles should include the full name of the month followed by the Arabic numeral of the day. Use January 1 not Jan. 1 or 1 January. This standardization is to assure that the Church Calendar page works correctly. Years should be left unlinked, because at this point we aren't including articles dedicated to particular years.
Wiki Mechanics
Many articles may fit into multiple categories. Therefore, when listing the category entries at the bottom of the article, list the categories on separate lines. For instance, a category list for St. Raphael of Brooklyn might look like this:
- [[Category:American Saints]]
- [[Category:Bishops]]
- [[Category:Missionaries]]
- [[Category:Saints]]
A stub is an article or section which needs additional material in order to be complete. If you create or see an article or section which needs more information in order to be complete, please include the {{stub}} tag in the appropriate place in the body of the article. Also try to avoid creating empty articles that consist only of a stub notice unless you intend to expand them soon.
When you include the {{stub}} tag, this message will be seen in the article: Шаблон:Stub
Miscellaneous style considerations
Generally speaking, the best way to learn OrthodoxWiki's style is to look at existing, well-developed articles. Here follows a list of various conventions that are in place:
- Begin articles with the subject in bold print as part of an introductory paragraph about the subject. The introductory paragraph should give a brief summary of the content of the article.
- When creating wiki-links within an article, it's only necessary to link a given term once in the introductory section or when the term is first introduced in the article. In longer articles, it is acceptable to link a given term again at the beginning of later major sections.
- When using a title of a person for the first time, spell it out completely (e.g., Metropolitan), but abbreviate it afterward (e.g., Metr.).
- Try to vary the manner in which persons are referred to—it is not necessary to include St. in front of a saint's name in each instance nor the title and surname of a bishop each time you name him.
- List See also (for internal links on related articles) and External link[s] sections as the last items in an article.
See also
External links
- Wikipedia:Manual of Style includes many useful bits regarding style for encyclopedia writing for a wiki.
- The Elements of Style, by William Strunk, Jr., is the classic manual on English usage.