
Направо към: навигация, търсене
Какво OrthodoxWiki/Енциклопедия "Двери" не е:
* '''Не изгражда "виртуално православие"'''
* '''Не е перфектна''' - OrthodoxWiki винаги е и ще бъде недовършена, заради динамичния си характер. It's also a communal effort, which means that not every member of the community would agree with every statement made in an article. We try hard to weed out anything that is flatly inaccurate or heretical. We press authors to provide sources and document diverging interpretations in a thorough and non-polemical manner. Nevertheless, it is certain that we don't catch or correct everything. If you see that something is lacking, please step in and fix it! You may also simply note your disagreement on the article's discussion page.
* '''It is not a battlegroundНе е бойно поле''' - You are free to state your opinions, but do not threaten, harass or intimidate those with whom you have a disagreement. Rather, we encourage everybody to approach matters in an intelligent manner and engage in polite discussion.
''(With inspiration from [[meta:What_Meta_is_not|Meta]] and [[w:What_Wikipedia_is_not|Wikipedia]].)''
