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Добре дошли на '''Портала за общността на ПРАВОСЛАВНА ЕНЦИКЛОПЕДИЯ "ДВЕРИ"!''' Радваме се, че сте избрали да сте тук и да доприннасяте за създаването и напредъка на първата свободно редактирана българска Православна енциклопедия.
<!--Welcome to the '''OrthodoxWiki Community Portal'''! We're glad you've chosen to stop by, explore and take part in the ongoing work of creating and developing the world's first online community-edited encyclopedia of Orthodox Christianity. -->
'''ДА СЕ ПРЕВЕДЕ!!!----
Whatever else a wiki is, it is fundamentally about ''community'', about bringing a group of people together for a particular work or conversation. '''You''' are formally invited to join this conversation and to take a role in shaping it. Your host is [[User:FrJohn|FrJohn]], assisted by a team of [[Special:Listadmins|sysops]] to help with the management of the site. Our sysops hail from many jurisdictions all over the world. Many thanks to everyone who has devoted some time towards making this place a valuable resource for people!