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<div style="float:right;margin:0 1em 0 3%;">[[Image:John of Damascus4.jpg|110px|StСв. John of DamascusЙоаан Дамаскин, patron saint of OrthodoxWikiсветецът-покровител на Православното Уики]]</div><div style="margin: 2.5em 0 0 3%; text-align: left; font-size: 120%; line-height: 1.3;">'''[[OrthodoxWiki:Welcome|WelcomeДобре дошли]]''' to '''[[OrthodoxWiki:About|OrthodoxWiki]]''', a free-content encyclopedia and information center for '''[[Orthodox Christianity]]''' that '''anyone can edit'''. In this English version, started in November 2004, we are currently working on '''[[Special:Statistics|{{NUMBEROFARTICLES}}]] [[Special:Allpages|articles]]'''. Please '''[[Special:Userlogin|register or login]]''' to post or revise content.<br>
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